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locale=all can not be used to get all entries in all locales

In Strapi 5, it's no longer possible to get all localized versions of a content type with the locale=all parameter.

This page is part of the breaking changes database and provides information about the breaking change and additional instructions to migrate from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5.

🔌 Is this breaking change affecting plugins?Yes
🤖 Is this breaking change automatically handled by a codemod?No

Breaking change description

In Strapi v4

Users could get all of the locales of a single type by passing the locale=all parameter to Content API calls. This is not possible on collection types.

In Strapi 5

Getting documents (collection types or single types) in all locales at the same time is not possible anymore. A specific locale value must be passed.


This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.


Additional information on what is possible to do with locale in Strapi 5 is available in the REST API, GraphQL API, and Document Service API reference documentations.

Manual procedure

Users having custom code sending queries with the locale=all parameter should manually update their code to list all available locales then request data for each of these locales one by one.