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defaultIndex is removed from the public middleware configuration

In Strapi 5, the 'defaultIndex' option does not exist anymore and the root / URL automatically redirects to the admin panel login or homepage if already connected.

This page is part of the breaking changes database and provides information about the breaking change and additional instructions to migrate from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5.

🔌 Is this breaking change affecting plugins?No
🤖 Is this breaking change automatically handled by a codemod?No

Breaking change description

In Strapi v4

There is a defaultIndex option in the public middleware to add a custom page on the root / URL of the admin panel.

In Strapi 5

The defaultIndex option does not exist anymore and the root / URL automatically redirects to the admin panel login or homepage if already connected.


No manual migration is required, but please be aware of the new behavior for the root / URL.